Picture of HomeNet


We can help, but we’re not allowed


With rising costs of living, rental increases, rising food prices, and rising utility bills, the picture is grim. We can help, except we are not allowed to.

HomeNet believes that fair competition should be available to all islanders and not decided by individuals who do not even live in the area.

During the recent renovation of a local housing estate owned by Les Vaux Trust and chaired by the ex-Chief Minister, HomeNet was asked to disconnect its fibre connection to the property while essential works were carried out. After the work was completed, we were told that our fibre network was no longer required, as only JT’s network would be allowed into their building.

This unfair agreement meant that residents – many of whom have low incomes or claim benefits – were faced with bills twice the price for a fibre broadband service and has, on occasion, left people without access to 999 calls.

In a time when everyone is looking to make savings, HomeNet can help save money each month by offering lower-priced, superfast fibre broadband, saving hundreds of pounds each year. But, sadly, we are not allowed to offer this because Les Vaux Trust isn’t interested in the tenants’ right to choose, and insists that the overpriced services of JT are all they can have. The is just another example of unfair monopolisation to consumers who deserve the right to choose which service suits their requirements and budget.

HomeNet is a local company operating only in Jersey. We have over 30 years’ of experience in telecommunications and our own fibre network.
We do not rent our fibre connection from JT like other providers, which allows us to offer fast speeds with less interruption. Our fibre broadband offers speeds of up to 1Gbps from only £29.99 per month.

With your help and support, we can challenge the powers that be. Enabling true choice and providing you with low-cost, superfast fibre broadband.

These agreements between JT and influential stakeholders are aimed to only benefit JT, with no consideration for the general public, and actively work to prevent healthy competition. Such exclusive arrangements undermine the interests of the community and stifle innovation in the marketplace. If you agree with us and would like the choice to make your own decision on broadband, please support us and complete the form below:

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Do you think you should be able to choose your network provider?
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Do you think monopolisation like this is fair?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Would you like to be able to save money on your broadband bill?
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Strongly Agree